Thursday 29 May 2014

Muhammad Fikri Ali

  Nama     :            Muhammad Fikri  Ali 
  TTL         :             Surabaya, 2 Juni 1998
  E-mail    :  
  No. Telp/ Hp :  (0353)085122 / 085748330519
  Alamat   :           Jl. Panglima Polim, Gg. Mangga 01 No. 53B, Sumbang, Bojonegoro (pager ijo)
  Hobi        :           sepak bola, sepedahan, membaca (anything), badminton, tidur, mendengarkan musik
  Kesan      :         
  Pesan      :          Friend isn’t rock or upstairs. With they you can walk to up but curtain you to leave they. Friend is wings, with they you can fly to get her without to leave they on earth. You must explore the world! Because, you certain thirsty knowledge.

                                Hidup itu sederhana, jika kau senang maka tersenyumlah, jika kau sedih maka tertawalah (spongebob Squarepants) 

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